Category: Technology

Integration of Technology & Services

Technology is the future of our service industry. Clients, management and ownerships are craving advanced data knowledge and analysis delivered by numerous platforms currently in the market. It is critical though to realize and surely recognize that while espousing new systems is an advancement, it is not always the solution. It is critical to insure that the operation, structure and team are ready and prepared to absorb, assume and practice those upgrades to it full capacity, otherwise a negative effect could be noticeable, defragmented services, miscommunication leading to failed deliverables and therefore defeats purpose.

The liking of oracle, IBM and Microsoft etc.. who are delivering new technological platforms should take in consideration the readiness of the service industry and its capability in implementing and delivering these new technologies as a value add to its clients. Currently the new facilities & assets management platforms are configured to run Artificial intelligence & robotics, while the majority of the FM service industry is still working with basic technological tools at best. Let us be transparent and real!, know where you stand and your existing capabilities, plan your improvement using a transitional methodology, make sure your subject matter expertise is ready to utilize those new tools as an integrated modules and take full advantage of the hefty cost paid yearly.

The major players nowa’ days are going cloud- at basic levels, make sure you have a good reliable, speedy connectivity, otherwise you find yourself working backward on a corrective journey. It would also be beneficial for tech. Companies to launch educational hubs in regions and deploy trainers and technical support teams in countries of sales targets. It it shocking to see those Companies targeting major hubs without even having proper teams on the ground to lead and support what the customers paid and vested in.


Remote assistance can never replace physical presence.

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How Building Management System Works

Building management systems have a positive impact on commercial buildings. These systems can increase efficiency and also reduce operating costs, but most of all they are the “life” of your entire infrastructure and sustainability of it. With the use of automation and other devices, building management systems drive and control every systemic process that occurs in your building and outside property on a daily basis.

Through the use of building management system software, you can see a reduction in energy and water consumption, improve waste management, and add sustainability to your building’s mechanical operations. Commercial building systemic operations not only put a tremendous strain on the natural environment by increasing carbon output, but they also put a strain on your budget. By upgrading your building with a building management system, you can streamline and improve your systemic operations to benefit your company and protect the environment too.

Regency Safety Services & Equipment, a reputable company that can design and build a unique Building Management system that will meet your needs and budget. We are a leader among building automation companies in Qatar, serving both commercial and governmental structures. We have the expertise and experience to retrofit a new system into your existing structure, or build a new one from the ground up.

It is sometimes important to integrate your system into one synergistic entity, while still segregating systemic process according to designated zones to meet the particular needs of each separate environment. There is no need to remove existing infrastructure because it can be incorporated into the new design, and managed with a building management system software open protocol system.


Building Management Systems Operations

You or the team assigned will be able to control every process of infrastructure system at one center point, that includes:

  1. HVAC automation manages your building’s air conditioning, heating, ventilation, air quality, comfort and safety, and smoke extraction. Using microprocessors, your system can digitally unite the mechanical and electrical systems to operate seamlessly and effectively manage and sustain the interior environment.
    Through the use of intelligent logistical engineering, interior temperature set-points can be maintained and waste eliminated. Digital logistics also enhance the navigation of air flow by side-stepping obstacles within air ducts etc. that can diminish efficiency and add stress to the system.
  2. Power monitoring allows for the monitoring and management or your power grid. Your management team can access all infrastructure trending conditions that are occurring in your building. Real-time data can assist your managers in appraising the performance of each system, evaluate conflicts, and identify, locate, and correct problems.


Other building management operations include: Lighting Control System, Guest Room Management System, CCTV surveillance, access control systems, recycling and conservation and meters and dashboards.

Want to know your options or looking for an upgrade?

Call us now and speak to an experienced representative at +974 4405 4155

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